English Nederlands


Other scientists

Beside PhD students, postdocs and assistant, associate and full professors, there are more scientific jobs. Maybe your job description does not fall in those categories in academia, or you work in industry or commercial business. You probably have the same joys and sorrows as those scientists, whether you work as an advisor, policy researcher, or consulting researcher. Feel free to browse through the courses below or in other categories. If you can’t find what you need, contact us and wee will see if we can deliver or develop a course or workshop on that subject!

ElroyCOM offers the following courses for Other scientists


In the end, communication is a large part of your work. Whether you talk about your research, planning, supervision, or about the weather in social interactions: we could not do without communication. Communication is also a skill: you can prepare, analyse, and influence communication. Personal styles and goals of the other person and yourself create an interaction and define the outcome. Learning how to apply different techniques helps you get what you want, and maintain positive relationships. In our experience, our scientific participants learn eagerly and enjoy communication training a lot!

What a personality!
Strategic networking
Presenting science
Spread the news!
Test yourself!
Talking with non-experts
Dealing with criticism
Media training
Performance management: how to give feedback
Engaging with stakeholders
Conversation skills
This is not a conflict!
Formal conversations
Body language

Scientific Happiness

In our research, 420 scientists in the Netherlands said they need and miss courses that have to do with happiness: their workload and private life is overloaded and they suffer from stress.

In the workshops and courses that we offer, we base our knowledge and exercises on scientific studies. What we do is therefore no-nonsense! We help you to deal with stress, relax and clear your mind. A lot of simple techniques have proven to work in clinical studies.

Treat yourself to a happy life, and choose a training from our range!

Our training courses are based on scientific research. An overview of all references used for training courses in this category can be found here.

This is not a conflict!
Mental resilience
Leadership and work pressure
Dealing with work pressure
Influence on the stress of the team
Too many worries
Positivity workshop
A taste of happiness
Assertive behavior
Concentration & focus
Energy management
The perfectionist in me
Sleep well!
Work-life balance


During your education and career you will find out who you are, what you want, and how to get the job you desire. You can use the advise of others, reflect, and practise the skills needed to discover these aspects.

In this category we make sure you exchange a lot of experience with the other participants. We stimulate you to see and employ your qualities, and help you to make yourself visible. In a creative way we help you to practise the skills needed to do the job you want, and to get it.

Job satisfaction
My competencies
Career pitch
Shiney eyes!
Getting paid well!
Consulting skills
Persuasive networking
Moving up or moving on?
What do I really want?
The job interview


Women all over the world are underrepresented in management positions. The Netherlands are not doing well compared to other European countries. In the Dutch academic society only some 12% of the full professors are women. This percentage is even lower in executive and governing positions. Change is needed in organisations, for instance in scouting and selection procedures, male:female ratio in selection committees, and in gender bias awareness.

But women can do al lot themselves! They need to invest in their visibility, and in their skills in networking and leadership. In cooperation with women’s networks, ElroyCOM has developed training for academic women who want to make it to the top.

Female leadership
This is not a conflict!
Everybody likes me!
Persuasive networking
Negotiation skills for women
Voice workshop
Body language

Management & Leadership

The management of scientific research, departments and organisations isn’t easy in an academic world where freedom is needed and appreciated, and unclarity in responsibilities, tasks, conditions, and agreements is common. In this category you will find training in project / risk / crisis management, supervision of PhD students, time management, and much more. We will help you to make management and leadership easier and more effective!

Leadership and work pressure
Communication styles in leadership
Engaging with stakeholders
Multiple project management
Project Management
Risk and crisis management
Get organized!
Learn to delegate!
Effective leadership styles
The manager as a coach
Strategic influence
Everybody likes me!
Leadership for beginners
Effective supervision 1
Effective supervision 2
Effective supervision 3
Supervision of PhD-students
Motivate your people!
Time management

Selling Science

Scientists and their departments need money for research, and they increasingly depend on funding from outside university. So they apply for funding from (inter-)national funding agencies, or cooperate with industry, external employers, or businesses. They may also want to make money out of the results, or spread results through the media to make sure their results get know and used.

This asks specific skills of you and your department, such as convincing non-experts, business negotiations, consulting skills, marketing your results, and dealing with the news media.

What exactly is the need for knowledge or applications by your external partner? How do you translate this to your research questions? How do you create an effective cooperation in which your and their needs are satisfied? How do you spread your results, make sure they get noticed in the news media?

That is what Selling Science is about!

Professional negotiation
Effective networking conversations
Successful Grant writing
What a personality!
Maximize creativity!
Business with external employees
What do they want?
Spread the news!
Talking with non-experts
Presenting for funding committees
Introduction to Selling Science
Creative innovations
Define your product!
Consulting skills
Strategic networking
Personal branding: Self-presentation